UM-CV 10 & 11 Training Neural Networks
Summary: Training neural networks, activation functions, data preprocessing, weight initialization, regularization, learning rate schedules, large batch training, hyperparameter tuning, model ensembles, transfer learning.
@Credits: EECS 498.007 | Video Lecture: UM-CV 5 Neural Networks
Personal work for the assignments of the course: github repo.
Notice on Usage and Attribution
These are personal class notes based on the University of Michigan EECS 498.008 / 598.008 course. They are intended solely for personal learning and academic discussion, with no commercial use.
For detailed information, please refer to the complete notice at the end of this document
One-time setup
Activation functions, data preprocessing, weight initialization, regularization
Activation functions
Activation functions adds critical linearity for neural networks
- Squashes numbers to range [0,1]
- Historically popular since they have nice interpretation as a starting "firing rate" of a neuron
3 problems:
- Saturated neurons kill the gradients. (The most problematic aspect)
- Sigmoid outputs are not zero-centered. Suppose a multi-layer network, then the inputs of all the layers are always positive Also the gradient of this function is always positive. All the gradients for the weights will have the same sign, and gradients will always push the weights into the same direction. This becomes less of a problem when using mini-batches.
Fig: Gradient update directions
- exp() is a bit compute expensive: transcendental function. For GPUs, this is not a big deal, the copying takes more time than the computation.
- Squashes numbers to range [-1,1]
- zero centered
- still kills gradients when saturated 😦
- Does not saturate in the positive region
- Computationally efficient
- Converges much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice (e.g. 6x)
- Not zero-centered output
- Dying ReLU problem: neurons can sometimes be pushed into states in which they become inactive for essentially all inputs. In this case, the gradient flowing through a ReLU neuron is always 0 because the gradient of max(0, x) is 0 if x < 0.
Fig: Dying ReLU problem
dead ReLU will never activate -> never update its weights
Leaky ReLU
Sometimes initialize ReLU neurons with a slightly positive slope in order to mitigate the dying ReLU problem.
- Does not saturate
- Computationally efficient
- Converges much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice! (e.g. 6x)
- will not "die"
Parametric ReLU (PReLU)
α is learned and backpropagated through.
Exponential Linear Units (ELU)
ELU(x)={xα(ex−1)if x>0if x≤0
- default α=1
- All benefits of ReLU
- Closer to zero mean outputs
- Negative saturation regime compared with ReLU
- Computationally more expensive
A rescaled version of ELU
SELU(x)=λ{xα(ex−1)if x>0if x≤0
where α=1.6732632423543772848170429916717
and λ=1.0507009873554804934193349852946
- Scaled version of ELU that works better for deep networks
- Self-normalizing property: SELU activations preserve mean and variance of inputs. Can train deep SELU neural networks without normalization layers.
Comparison of activation functions
Fig: Comparison of activation functions
- Don't think too hard. Just use ReLU.
- Try out Leaky ReLU/ELU/SELU/GELU if you need to squeeze that last 0.1%
- Don't use sigmoid or tanh. The models will learn very slowly.
Data preprocessing
We want to normalize the inputs to have zero mean and unit variance. This helps the model learn faster and prevents the gradients from going out of control.
Fig: Data preprocessing
In practice, you may also see PCA and Whitening applied to the data.
Rotate the data so that the principal components are aligned with the axes. This is called PCA whitening. For image data this is not so common.
Fig: PCA whitening
Why do we need to normalize the data?
Classification loss would be very sensitive to changes in weight matrix; hard to optimize.
Fig: Classification
Real examples
Fig: Real examples
Weight initialization
Zero initialization is bad because all neurons will have the same gradient and will update in the same way.
Weight Initialization: small random numbers. Fairly ok with shallow networks, but problems with deeper networks.
This is to ensure that the gradient behaves nicely at the beginning of training.
Activation Statistics: Histogram of each layers
Fig: Statistics of a sample x
Problem: This initialization may be too small for deep networks.
If we initialize the weights too big, all neurons will be saturated and the gradients will be zero.
Fig: Statistics of a sample x when weights are too big
Xavier initialization
Fig: Xavier initialization
Derivation: Variance of output = Variance of inputs
Fig: Derivation
We are only taking about linear layers. For ReLU, this method will collapse to zero again, no learning 😦
Kaiming/MSRA initialization
Multiply Xavier by 2 for ReLU activation functions.
Fig: Kaiming/MSRA initialization
This keeps the variance of the output the same as the variance of the input.
This is sufficient to got VGG to train from scratch.
Residual Networks
MSRA is not that useful for residual networks.
Fig: Residual Networks
Add term to the loss.
Weight decay
L=data loss+λR(W)
In common we use:
- L2 regularization: R(W)=∑iWi2 (weight decay)
- L1 regularization: R(W)=∑i∣Wi∣
- Elastic net: R(W)=α∑i∣Wi∣+β∑iWi2 (L1 + L2)
Randomly set some neurons to zero during forward and backward pass.
We want to prevent the network from relying too much on any one neuron. Prevents co-adaptation of neurons.
Another interpretation: Ensemble of networks. Dropout is like training an ensemble of networks and averaging their predictions.
Fig: Dropout
Problem: Test time. We want to use all the neurons.
We average out the randomness at test-time, but this integral seems hard... So we need to approximate the integral.
Fig: Dropout at test time
Fig: Dropout at test time
At test time, we multiply the weights by the dropout probability.
At test time all neurons are active always. => We must scale the activations so that for each neuron, the expected output is the same as the expected output at training time.
Drop in forward pass, scale in backward pass.
Fig: Inverted dropout
Dropout architecture is not common in modern architectures.
Fig: Dropout at test time
Batch normalization
We have already learned this in the previous lecture.
For ResNet and later, often L2 and batch normalization are the only regularizers!
Data Augmentation
- Random crops
- Random flips
- Random scales
- Color jittering
Fig: Data Augmentation
Get creative for you problem!
Random mix/combinations of:
- Translation
- Rotation
- Stretching
- Shearing
- lens distortions,... (go crazy)
Other regularizers
Training: Instead of dropping out neurons, drop out weights. Testing: Use all the connections.
Fractional Max Pooling
Training: Randomize the size of the pooling region. Testing: Average predictions over different samples.
Stochastic Depth
Training: Skip some residual blocks in ResNet.
Testing: Use the whole network.
Stochastic Depth
Training: Set random images regions to 0 Testing: Use the whole image
Training: Train on random blends of images Testing: Use original images
Training dynamics
learning rate schedules, large batch training, hyperparameter tuning
Learning rate schedules
Starting with hight learning rate and lower it over time.
Common schedules:
- Step decay: lower the learning rate by a factor every few fixed epochs.
Fig: Step decay
Fig: Cosine
- Linear: linearly decrease the learning rate over time. Often used for NLP.
- Inverse square root: tα where α is the initial learning rate and t is the iteration number.
- Constant: keep the learning rate constant. This works already quite well. A constant schedule is often used for fine-tuning. Adam is already adaptive.
Tip: torch.zero_grad()
is important. If you don't zero the gradients, the gradients will accumulate.
Usually for Classification problem, the loss will not explode after a long time, but this is possible for other problems, e.g. Reinforcement Learning. (General experience)
Early stopping
Stop training the model when accuracy on the validation set decreases, or train for a long time, but always keep track of the model snapshot that worked best on val. Always a good idea to do this!
Choosing hyperparameters
Grid search
Choose several values for each hyperparameter often chosen log-linearly. Evaluate all possible choices on this hyperparameter grid.
Random search
Choose several intervals for each hyperparameter often chosen log-linearly.
Run many different trails randomly.
This allow us to sample more hyperparameters along one dimension. This is useful when one hyperparameter is more important.
Fig: Random search
Experiment: Hyperparameters are often correlated.
Fig: Experiment
When resources are limited
Step 1. Check initial loss
Turn off weight decay, sanity check loss at initialization. e.g. log(C) for softmax with C classes.
Step 2. Overfit a small sample
Try to train 100% training accuracy on a small sample. 5-10 mini-batches. Turn off all regularization. fiddle with(随意摆弄) architecture, learning rate, weight initialization, etc.
Loss not going down ? LR too low, bad initialization Loss explodes to Inf or NaN ? LR too low, bad initialization.
Step 3. Find LR that makes loss go down
Use the architecture from the previous step, use all training data, turn on small weight decay, find a learning rate that makes the loss drop quickly within 100 iterations.
Good learning rates to try: 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4.
Step 4. Coarse grid, train for 1~5 epochs
Choose a few values of learning rate and weight decay around what worked from Step 3, train a few models for 1~5 epochs.
Good weight decays to try: 1e-5, 1e-4, 0.
Step 5. Refine grid, train longer
Step 6. Look at learning curves, fine-tune
Losses may be noisy, use scatter plot to see the trend.
Fig: Learning curves
Fig: Learning curves
Step 7. GOTO Step 5
Tuning is like DJing. You need to keep adjusting the knobs until you get the right sound 🎶
TensorBoard is a visualization tool that comes with TensorFlow. It allows you to visualize your training process.
Track ratio of weight update / weight magnitude
Fig: Track ratio of weight update / weight magnitude
After training
Model ensembles, transfer learning
Model ensembles
- Train multiple independent models
- At test time, average their predictions (Take average of predicted probability distributions, then choose argmax)
~ Enjoy 2% extra performance
Tips and tricks:
- Saving multiple checkpoints during training may also be a method of ensembling.
- Keeps tracking the running average of the weights during training.
- Periodic learning rate decay
Transfer learning
"You need a lot of data if want to train/use CNNs"
Transfer Learning with CNNs
- Train on ImageNet
- Remove the last FC
- Use CNN as a feature extractor, freeze the weights of the CNN
Fig: Transfer Learning with CNNs
- Bigger dataset: Fine-Tuning. Continue training the entire model for a new task.
Some tricks:
- Train with feature extraction first before fine-tuning.
- Lower the learning rate: use ~1/10 of LR used in original training.
- Sometimes freeze lower layers to save computation.
Architecture Matters!
Fig: Transfer Learning with CNNs
Transfer learning is pervasive!
It's the norm, not the exception
Fig: Transfer learning is pervasive
Fig: Transfer learning is pervasive
Pretraining - Transfer learning - Fine-tuning has become the norm.
Some very recent results have questioned it
Is this really critical?
Training from scratch can work as well as pretraining on ImageNet! ... If you train 3x as long
See Rethinking ImageNet Pre-training
Lots of work left to be done...
Large batch training
Scale the learning rate
Fig: Large batch training
Learning Rate Warmup
Very large learning rate at the beginning may cause the model to diverge; linearly increasing learning rate from 0 over the first ~5000 iterations can prevent this.
Other Concerns:
Be careful with weight decay, batch normalization, and data shuffling.
For batch normalization, only normalize within a GPU.
batch size = 8192, 256 GPUs
... and now we achieved several minutes to train ImageNet
Notice on Usage and Attribution
This note is based on the University of Michigan's publicly available course EECS 498.008 / 598.008 and is intended solely for personal learning and academic discussion, with no commercial use.
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