UM-CV 3 & 4 Linear Classifiers and Optimization
@Credits: EECS 498.007
Personal work for the assignments of the course: github repo.
Linear Classifiers:Parametric Approach
General form of a parametric classifier
Image x -> f(x,W) -> y prediction
Example: f(x,W)=Wx+b
Fig: Linear classifier with 3 classes
- Preditions are linear when ignoring the bias term.
Visual Viewpoint
- Linear classifiers has one "template" per category. We take the dot product of the template with the image, and the highest dot product wins.
- Since each category only has one template, the decision ability is relatively limited. e.g. horse template has two heads!
Fig: Visual Viewpoint
Geometric Viewpoint
- The decision boundary is a hyperplane. (Each row of the matrix is a covector)
Fig: Decision hyperplanes
- It could be hard for the linear classifier to separate the classes if they are not linearly separable.
Fig: Hard cases
Recall: Perceptrons cannot learn XOR function!
Fig: XOR logic
Loss: quantify how good a value W is
Intuition: low loss = good classifier, high loss = bad classifier
Given a dataset of N examples, {(xi,yi)}i=1N, where xi is the image and yi is the (integer) label.
Loss for a sing example: Li(f(xi,W),yi)
Loss for the dataset: L(W)=N1∑i=1NLi(f(xi,W),yi)
Multiclass SVM Loss
- If sj is less than syi is by at least 1, then its contribution to the loss is 0.
- otherwise, it contributes to the loss by the difference between the scores plus 1.
Q: What happens to the loss if the score for the car image change a bit? A: Zero loss is still achieved if the input changes a bit.
Q2: min and max loss? A: min = 0, max = ∞ (if the score for the correct class is way less than the score for the incorrect class)
Q3: If all the score were random, what loss would we expect? A: The expected score of the correct and incorrect class would be approximately the same, sothe the loss would be around C−1, where C is the number of classes. (小技巧:This is a good debugging technique to see if the initializations are corrects)
Q4: What would happen if the sum were over all classes? A: All the loss will be inflated by 1 but we will not change the ranking of the scores.
Q5: What if we use the mean instead of the sum? A: The loss will be the same but the gradient will be scaled by N1. Its behavior is equivalent to the sum of the loss.
Q6: What if we used the square of the difference instead of the absolute value?
Q7: Suppose we found some W with L(W)=0. Is it unique? No, we can scale W by any constant greater than 1 and the loss will still be 0.
Regularization: Beyond Training Error
L(W)=N1i=1∑NLi(f(xi,W),yi)+Regularization termλR(W)
where λ is a hyperparameter call the regularization strength.
Other regularizers: L2, L1, Droutout, Batch Normalization, etc.
Purpose of regularization:
- express preferencess in among models beyond "minimize training error"
- prefer simple models, prevent overfitting
- improve optimization by adding curvature
L1 regularization: This loss likes to "sparsify" the weights, to put weights to several dimensions.
L2 regularization: This loss likes to "spread out" the weights.
Cross-entropy loss
We can interpret raw classifier scores as probabilities.
Q: What is the minimum and maximum loss Li ?
A: min = 0, max = ∞, and the loss is zero only if the prediction is a one-hot vector.
Q: If all scores are random, what loss would we expect? A: -log(1/C)=log(C), where C is the number of classes. (log(10)=2.3)
Gradient Descent
where α is the learning rate.
Computing the gradient
Numeric gradient:
calculates the numerical gradient and compares it to the analytical gradient.
calculates the numerical gradient of the gradient (Hessian) and compares it to the analytical gradient of the gradient.
- weight initializations
- number of iterations
- learning rate
Batch Gradient Descent
Full gradient descent: compute the gradient of the loss with respect to the weights for the entire dataset.
Schocastic gradient descent: compute the gradient of the loss with respect to the weights by drawing small subsamples.
Fig: Stochastic gradient descent
Problems with SGD:
- Loss changes quickly in one direction
- Saddle points
Variants of SGD
where β is the momentum term.
Nesterov momentum
"Look ahead" before computing the gradient; computing the gradient there and mix it with velocity to get actual update direction.
where ⊙ is element-wise multiplication.
where ⊘ is element-wise division, and ϵ is a small constant to prevent division by zero, e.g. 10−8.
Idea: adapt the learning rate for each parameter based on the history of the gradients: if the gradient is large, then the learning rate is small.
Problem: G will keep increasing, and the learning rate will keep decaying.
RMSProp: Leaky AdaGrad
where β is a decay rate.
Adam: RMSProp with momentum
where β1 and β2 are decay rates.
Problem: At the beginning, the momentum term is small, and the learning rate is small, so the learning rate is too large.
Improvement: Bias correction
where t is the iteration number.
Adam with β1=0.9, β2=0.999, and lr=1e−3,5e−4,1e−4 is a good default.
Algorithm | Tracks first Algorithm moments (Momentum) | Tracks second moments (Adaptive learning rates) | Leaky second moments | Bias correction for moment estimates |
SGD | × | × | × | × |
SGD+Momentum | √ | × | × | × |
Nesterov | √ | × | × | × |
AdaGrad | √ | √ | × | × |
RMSProp | √ | √ | √ | × |
Adam | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Adam is a good default optimizer for most problems. SGD+Momentum can outperform Adam but may require more tuning.
If you can afford to do full batch updates then try out L-BFGS.(and don't forget to disable all sources of noise)
Second-order optimization:
Newton's method, BFGS, L-BFGS
Second-Order Taylor Expansion:
The shape of the Hessian matrix is D×D, where D is the number of parameters, which is very expensive to compute. So second-order optimization is not widely used in deep learning.